(198) Alabastri
Alabastro, base in metallo Corten, luce ledCm. 43,00x43,00. Kg 26,00 circa
L’Alabastro è un “solfato di calcio biidrato” cristalli di gesso che emanano una luce propria. Gli Etruschi conoscevano e lavoravano l’Alabastro. L’elemento trasparente di Alabastro racchiude nella sua forma circolare un elemento tondo di Alabastro con evidenti venature. La formazione naturale di minerali particolari, creano una trasparenza limitata dell’Alabastro, evidenziando un gioco di luci e ombre caratteristico di una qualità di Alabastro Volterrano.
L’Alabastro è stato lavorato e trattato con tecniche tradizionali, nel rispetto delle proprie peculiarità.
alabaster, base in corten steel, LED light
43x43 cm
Alabaster, bihydrated calcium sulphate, is a translucent stone which was once carved by the ancient Etruscans.
This sculpture has been created with three different varieties of alabaster stone.The translucent, circular shaped piece of alabaster encloses a veined, darker coloured alabaster. The natural inclusions create a lesser translucent quality of the alabaster stone highlighting the interplay of light and shadow characteristic of this quality of Volterran alabaster.Alabaster has been carved and treated with traditional working techniques to enhance the natural quality of the stone.
43x43 cm
Alabaster, bihydrated calcium sulphate, is a translucent stone which was once carved by the ancient Etruscans.
This sculpture has been created with three different varieties of alabaster stone.The translucent, circular shaped piece of alabaster encloses a veined, darker coloured alabaster. The natural inclusions create a lesser translucent quality of the alabaster stone highlighting the interplay of light and shadow characteristic of this quality of Volterran alabaster.Alabaster has been carved and treated with traditional working techniques to enhance the natural quality of the stone.
198 Alabastri
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