(233) Trasparenze Velate
Trasparenze velate
Alabastro, Cristalli, Radica di Corbezzolo e base in legno di Faggio.
Cm. 164,00 altezza. Kg 55,00 circa
La natura è la vera creatrice.
Questa parte di Alabastro, esterna, viene tagliata e considerata scarto di lavorazione, per estrarre il cuore del blocco. L’inserimento di Cristalli colorati mette in evidenza la caratteristica dell’Alabastro. Il Corbezzolo, tipico della macchia Toscana, con la
evidente sinuosità della forma che la natura ha plasmato nel tempo, caratterizza tutta l’opera. La base di Faggio, che il mare ha riportato nelle nostre spiagge Toscane,
mette in risalto la plasticità dell’opera.
Il disco centrale è una esplosione di colori.
L’Alabastro è stato lavorato e trattato con tecniche tradizionali, nel rispetto delle
proprie peculiarità.
Veiled Translucency
Alabaster, crystals, arbutus unedo, commonly known as strawberry tree and base in beech wood.
Height 164 cm
This piece of alabaster belongs to the external part of the alabaster ovoid which is chiseled away and considered to be processing waste. The colourful crystals enhance the features of the alabaster stone. The sinuous root, shaped by time, from the strawberry tree, typical of the Tuscan scrub , is the main feature of this work of art.
The base in beech wood , found on the beaches in Tuscany, emphasises the plasticity of the sculpture.
The central disc is an explosion of colour.
Alabaster has been carved and treated with traditional working techniques to enhance the natural quality of the stone.
Height 164 cm
This piece of alabaster belongs to the external part of the alabaster ovoid which is chiseled away and considered to be processing waste. The colourful crystals enhance the features of the alabaster stone. The sinuous root, shaped by time, from the strawberry tree, typical of the Tuscan scrub , is the main feature of this work of art.
The base in beech wood , found on the beaches in Tuscany, emphasises the plasticity of the sculpture.
The central disc is an explosion of colour.
Alabaster has been carved and treated with traditional working techniques to enhance the natural quality of the stone.
Special Selection
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