(185) Maregrosso
Radica di Ginepro con inserimento di piccole pietre dure. Base in Alabastro con frammenti di pietre dure.
Cm. 92,00 altezza. Kg 7,50 circa
La natura è la vera creatrice. Questa radica è stata trovata nelle spiagge di Pescia
Romana. Il mare riceve e restituisce. Radica che la natura ha modellato e che il mare, con il suo flusso e riflusso lo ha levigato. La fibra del legno si è difesa dalla continua aggressione delle onde del mare, lasciando in evidenza la ramificazione, i nodi e la sinuosità della forma che la natura ha plasmato nel tempo. Le pietre incastonate riportano il sapore della spiaggia.
L’Alabastro è stato lavorato e trattato con tecniche tradizionali, nel rispetto delle proprie peculiarità.
Rough Sea
Juniper driftwood decorated with small stones. Base in alabaster decorated with stone fragments
Height 92 cms
Crafted by Nature.
This root was sourced from the beach at Pescia Romana.The sea appropriates and reclaims. A piece of wood that nature has sculptured and the ebb and flow of the sea has cast away. The wood fibre has defended itself from the continuous aggression of the waves, leaving the branches, the grain and the sinuousity that nature has shaped over time.
The stones set in the juniper driftwood are reminiscent of the beach.
Alabaster has been carved and treated with traditional working techniques to enhance the natural quality of the stone.
Height 92 cms
Crafted by Nature.
This root was sourced from the beach at Pescia Romana.The sea appropriates and reclaims. A piece of wood that nature has sculptured and the ebb and flow of the sea has cast away. The wood fibre has defended itself from the continuous aggression of the waves, leaving the branches, the grain and the sinuousity that nature has shaped over time.
The stones set in the juniper driftwood are reminiscent of the beach.
Alabaster has been carved and treated with traditional working techniques to enhance the natural quality of the stone.
185 Maregrosso
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